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The Resentful Consumer

We all have businesses who treat us right. We go back to them over and over again. We reward them for their proper treatment with our repeated spending.

Then we have businesses who don't treat us right. They abuse us, and we take it.

I used to take it. Then after a while I'd go off over the littlest thing. Over time, I learned to be a better person. How not to be passive-aggressive. How to be an assertive person. How to get the service I deserved.

Now You Can Get Better Service Too!

The Resentful Consumer front Cover

In this book you’ll learn:

  • To avoid the Karen trap.
  • Why buying locally is better in the long run.
  • How to spot scams.
  • Where to get the best referrals.
  • When a "value" isn’t a "deal."
  • How to be forceful without being threatening.
  • When it’s OK to start yelling.
  • How to find trustworthy contractors.
  • The "Always Polite" places.
  • Why banks suck.
  • How to find businesses you can trust.
  • To stop "Porch Pirates."
  • How to say no to Apps.
  • And much more.

Get The Resentful Consumer at Amazon.com

A resentment is the memory of a wrong reminding us to avoid those businesses in the future.

© Copyright 2023 Terry Gibbs and IWantCollectibles LLC
IWC LLC PO BOX 34, Higley, AZ 85236